Things to Do When Shifting to your New Home

Things to Do When Shifting to your New Home

Moving from your old house could be more stressful to you. But, moving to your new home will be more exciting. The most important task would be, to make your new home feel good and comfortable for your living. Your new home should not repeat those similar troubles that you faced earlier at your old house. During final moments of your shifting, you should not forget about many essential things to be done without fail. Below given are the prepared checklists to ensure on essential things to be done without fail, when you move into your new home.

Perform the paperwork

The first thing in this checklist is to perform the paperwork by attaining the needed documents that you have to submit and take from many people, when moving from your old house to new house. These documents can be collected from online or directly from others. It is better to attain a no due certificate from the Residents Welfare Society of your state. There are other such legal documents you should verify such as blue print, power of attorney, allotment letter, commencement certificate, possession letter, development agreement, receipts of payment, etc. Get all these legal documents and keep them safely with you. They should be stamped and signed. It is good to have these documents before you move or it would become a trouble, when you move far off locations.

Check your bills and pay your dues

Ensure that all your bills have been paid and there are no remaining dues. You might have taken help from your personal helpers such as cleaners, plumbers, electricians, gardeners, etc. It is better to inform those people about your move and pay them their dues if anything is remaining.

Update your contact and address details

It is very important to update your contact and address information for your official or business related purposes. Send the new contact number to your friends, family members and other important people with whom you are going lead your future life. Send your address notifications through mail or inform directly to your local area Government bodies like postal, telephone, electricity, gas, water and ration departments.

Don’t forget to update or change your address in your bank, electoral and insurance departments.

Get a new gas or energy connection

Obtain a new gas connection with required documents before moving to your new home. If you already have one, just update your new house address and contact details with your gas agency or energy service provider.

Get a new internet connection

These days, internet has become the most part of our life and without internet, nothing works fast. This could be very stressful for you, when you are alone. Try to get a new connection at least a week before your move.

Make your home pest free

Sometimes, the old tenant might have not serviced your new house for pests or the house might be closed for a long period of time. Then, you have to call pest control services to protect your kids and home free from pests.

Take your essentials packed

It is very essential to pack an essentials box for the first day or night after a successful shift. The package should contain tooth brushes, towels, toiletries, changing clothes, night wears and other essentials like tea or coffee makers. This thing makes you feel comfortable and you don’t have to worry about searching your essentials during midnight.

Care about your kids and pets

If you have kids and pets, arrange things which are good, comfortable and safe for them at your new house. Get help from your friends or relatives to take care of your kids and pets while moving.

Alter exterior door locks

It is good to change the locks for external doors available at your new home. Your previous owners, brokers or maintenance people might be having your same set of keys for all your house doors. This may lead to a security breach, if they have the old set of keys for your new house. So, try to change the locks as soon as you get the keys for your new home and you can be peaceful.

Install a closet holder

Usually, old homes, mostly lack of closets and shelves. Check out where it requires and install some additional closets if necessary. Place extra shelves to store other utilities comfortably, wherever you need

Also read: Right Time to Search for Relocation Service Providers

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